For the first time this week, I woke up without my first thought being oh sh*t the world is on fire a feeling of total dread. Frankly I’m not sure if it’s for better or worse as I’m not out here trying to become complacent, but I started the day feeling like nothing was out of the ordinary, in acceptance of this being our new normal.
Again, I say this in full recognition of my privilege. I’m not a healthcare worker or any other essential employee risking my life to serve others every day. I’m not pregnant and worried about whether or not my husband will even be allowed in the delivery room. And none of my health conditions necessarily put me in a high-risk bucket. But I am terrified for my over-70 parents and in-laws and aunts and uncles. Nervous for my brother who is an essential employee. Aching for my anxious pregnant and new-mother friends whose parents haven’t even gotten to meet their grandchild. And heartbroken for all of our friends and family who are spiraling into bouts of depression and anxiety, and those who have already lost their jobs and other forms of income.
COOL cool now the dread is back.
This isn’t a great prelude into a roundup of material items, but I think my point is, there’s not a whole lot we can control right now*, so I’m trying to find peace in normalcy. I’ve mentioned before that I was already a WFH-er pre-Covid, so I’ve learned some tips, tricks, and essentials along the way.
*Besides the whole, like, being a responsible human being and not going outside except for essentials and in those cases wearing a mask and maintaining social distance thing.
So in an effort to keep it light and hopefully add SOME value to your day, here are some of the quarantine work from home essentials that have made my work day a little cozier during this scary and cuckoo time.
Tops that look legit but feel like pajamas | I’m a big proponent of still getting dressed every day—whether you have to be on video calls or not—but ain’t no one got time for blazers or blouses or frankly anything fitted.
Cozy Throw | My quaranteam does not seem to agree on the appropriate interior temperature, and I imagine we are not alone in this. Therefore, this is always by my side.
This is also a perfect less expensive alternative to the popular Serena & Lily Palermo Throw!
Tray | Because walks to the kitchen are my only form of exercise these days. Also great for transporting all of those dirty dishes back to the kitchen at 5pm!
Airpods | Take your calls on the road while doing laundry, dishes, making coffee…oh the possibilities.
Stretchy Jeans | Or let’s just man up and call it like it is: jeggings. Again, I can’t focus if all I’ve managed to put on for the day is sweatpants. These comfy alternatives are the next best thing.
Basket | Since I no longer have a dedicated home office, I often move around depending on the day/where the baby is, and these baskets are great for quickly packing up all of your desk supplies/storing at the end of the work day.
Slip-On Espadrilles | Never been a fan of actual house slippers. Instead I’ve worn these Soludos Smoking Slippers every day for the last 3? 4? weeks,
Corkcicle | Idk because we all need to drink more water and it’s easier with a cute water bottle.
Mr. Coffee Espresso & Cappuccino Machine | I really, really miss those midday coffee walks, just to get out of the house, and I would do terrible, terrible things for an actual Starbucks iced latte right now, but this will do in the meantime. We got this one for Christmas and have certainly gotten our Santa’s money’s worth out of it.
Facial Spray | I always keep a bottle of rose facial mist at my desk. Makes me feel very refreshed chic.
Fresh Flowers | Welp. These have been hard to find lately. But during normal circumstances, I have always found a weekly bouquet of fresh flowers, even just from the grocery store, a very worthwhile spend.
Also, some people will tell you house plants + succulents. LOL at me keeping one of those alive, but more power to you.
Cross Stitch Kit | This is more of a ~metaphor~ to remind you to take a break every now and then. When you work from home, it’s hard to put up barriers (literally and figuratively). I used to make a point of getting outside for coffee or lunch or even just a walk to split up the day, but since that’s not an option right now, I’ve made a point to find other ways to detach. I try to spend any extra time with Ellie of course, but if my good-stopping-points end up overlapping with her naps, I take to my new craft of choice. Cross stitch has been super therapeutic and I’ve found taking a few minutes out of my work day to knock out a couple rows of stitches to be a relaxing escape. But you go on with your bad self and choose your own adventure.
Stay safe, well, and inside. xox